Modern Slavery Statement

Last updated: 6th July 2023


At The Sustainability Group, we are committed to preventing and combating modern slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities and within our supply chain. This statement outlines both our current actions and future plans to address these risks within our business and supply chain. 

Actions and activities during the financial year April 2022 to April 2023

Organisational structure 

This statement applies to The Sustainability Group's provision of sustainability advice and measurement through our SaaS platform FuturePlus, as well as our sustainability and social impact consulting. Our operations are primarily based in the United Kingdom.

Responsibility and policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

The Executive Team leads the development and implementation of policies to address modern slavery risks and ensure that all employees are aware of our policies. We have implemented the following policies and procedures that help to identify and prevent modern slavery risks:

  • Whistleblowing Policy

  • Employee Code of Conduct

  • Supplier Code of Conduct 

  • Recruitment Policy

  • Human Rights Policy

  • Ethics Policy

  • Anti-harassment Policy

  • Grievance Policy

High-risk activities

The Sustainability Group does not engage in activities considered to be at high risk of slavery and human trafficking, nor do we consider our supply chain to be high risk. As both a consultancy firm and software tech provider, our supply chains predominantly encompass the procurement of physical items and services necessary for our London-based premises, alongside the utilisation of cloud-based services that host our FuturePlus platform and data.

Training on modern slavery and human trafficking

We have introduced plans to undertake training on recognising modern slavery and human trafficking risk. From the financial year of April 2023 to April 2024, we will be ensuring that all employees receive awareness training on modern slavery and trafficking risk on an annual basis.

Key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of steps being taken

We monitor the following performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of the steps we take to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking: 

  • Relevant policies are reviewed and updated annually.

  • All employees are made aware of existing policies, and any changes to policies at the annual review point. 

Actions and activities that we are committed to over the next financial year (April 2023 to April 2024)

We are striving to continually improve our policies and procedures to prevent and combat modern slavery and human trafficking. Over the next financial year, we aim to:

  • Conduct due diligence on key suppliers and partners and maintain regular monitoring of suppliers for modern slavery and human trafficking risk. 

  • Ensure our Supplier Code of Conduct is displayed on our website, sent to all new suppliers and sent to existing suppliers at the point of any contract renewals.

  • Undertake training on recognising modern slavery and human trafficking risk on an annual basis. 

  • Add the following key performance indicators:

  • Percentage of employees who have received modern slavery awareness training.

  • Percentage of suppliers assessed for modern slavery risks.

  • Number or percentage of high-risk suppliers identified.

  • Number or percentage of contracts or agreements with suppliers or partners that include modern slavery clauses.

  • Timeliness and accuracy of modern slavery statements published annually.

  • Comparison of key performance indicators over time to identify trends and improvements.

Board approval

This statement was approved on 6 July 2023 by our Board of Directors, who review and update it annually.