
Graphite Capital

Posted on November 15th 2023
Case Studies

​​Graphite Capital is a leading UK mid-market private equity firm with an exceptional record of generating strong returns over many economic cycles. Over the past decade, Graphite has formalised its approach to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and, with the help of specialist advisors, has established a sustainable investment strategy and policy, reflecting the growing focus on ESG and the importance of measuring material KPIs and holding companies to account.

Graphite appointed FuturePlus with the shared belief that when the incentive exists to report both the sustainability impact and ambition, businesses will change in a way that benefits the environment and society. The FuturePlus measurement and management tools serves both consumer demand and the private equity industry’s data requirements, allowing Graphite to monitor its investment against industry standards, ESG indexes, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals across the five key themes of Environment, Climate, Social impact, Economic impact, and Diversity & Inclusion.